the light of the full moon, starlight, candlelight, firelight, lamplight, sunlight
looking for the light
capturing the light
holding light
walking in the light
being light
a vessel of light
magnifying the light
the beauty of light
the power of light
light spreading across the sky, across a floor, across a face
a face shining
a smile radiating
a ray, a spark, a sparkle, a gleam, a beam
shining through, over, across, into
and also
one has to know darkness
before one can truly know light
the Light shines into the darkness
but the darkness does not comprehend this Light
and yet,
darkness is what makes light so very necessary
so very beautiful
God is light
in Whom there is no darkness at all
and yet,
everything that is good has grown in the dark
the world was spoken into being
when darkness was upon the face of the deep
a seed must be placed in the darkness
to germinate and press against its shell
before tiny shoots begin to look for the light
a baby begins as love and two cells
in deep, warm darkness
God, who said, "let Us make humankind in Our image"
ordained the essence of Their whole being
to become the tiny cells of beginning
in the darkness of a young girl's womb
God would be born as an infant
heralded on a dark night
by the shining host of heavenly beings
and a glorious star
God, who would be both in the darkness - of the womb, of birth, of the stable
and in the light bursting forth and radiating through the heavens
touching earth with blood and tears
touching earth with glorious good news
and i,
bearing witness to the light,
must also bear witness to the beauty that begins in darkness
and darkness that amplifies the light