since saturday night, isaac's instructions are to lay low, to rest, not move too much, not think too much, not read, not watch TV or use other screens, to sleep, to heal. so, we are having different sorts of days here.
the back story :: on saturday night, isaac was playing tackle football with some buddies, just for fun, during the varsity of football game. he pretty much knew that wasn't a good idea, but . . . well, he played. and he got tackled. really hard. and his head slammed into the ground. {pads and helmets for football? yes, please. and most certainly from here on out. these boys are too big and strong to play tackle football without protective gear.} when, after 45 minutes, isaac wasn't really himself yet, and had, in fact, almost seemed like himself, and then had regressed {difficulty walking, not speaking coherently, appearing to be cold but saying that he didn't feel cold}, ben and i decided that we had better get him checked over. so, we headed for the hopsital in spearfish. {for those of you who don't know, that's 83 miles away.} part way there, isaac became very agitated, progressively more incoherent, and i could not find a radial pulse on him. ben felt like we needed to get to the hospital as soon as we possibly could and decided that i should call 911 and tell them we were driving way too fast and why. mid-call, dispatch explained to the officer who pulled us over just why we were going so fast and he let us continue on our way. we met an ambulance which took isaac and i the last 20 or so miles. i won't write out all the details, but once in the hospital, the doctor, who was wonderful and calming, was by turns confused by some of isaac's symptoms, amused by some of isaac's {very literal} responses, and certain that, though he doesn't often order a CT scan for an obvious concussion, isaac should have a CT scan. by the time isaac's brain was scanned, many, many people had been praying for him. the scan was clear of swelling and bleeding. you may draw your conclusions. our conclusion is that prayer invites greater measures of God's provision and protection. and we are so grateful that after another hour of monitoring, we were given the go-ahead to pack isaac up, drive him home, and tuck him into his own bed. {that "extra hour" from daylight savings time? . . . we spent our extra hour. and not on extra sleep.}
this was our day {mostly in pictures} yesterday ::
{legos at the table and pb&j for lunch}
{this quilt was a gift from a dear friend (visit her here) six years ago. it has been slept under, cuddled up in, washed, used and loved to pieces. i decided i better salvage it quickly! so, i worked on it for quite a while yesterday.}
{patches are all fabrics that g sent to me in the same lovely package as the quilt, or fabrics that i used in the quilt i made for her!}
{my buddy at the table, finding out that his mind isn't quite wanting to work the way it did before the concussion. it is really weird for him to be dealing with an injury that he can't see. and strange for me, too. i know he needs to rest. but i'm not sure how to help him rest his brain. so, i try to keep him from doing too much, and remind him to lay down and close his eyes every so often.}
{he has been napping every afternoon and sleeping till he wakes up on his own in the morning.}
{snickerdoodles for isaac - if they were the magic that healed a concussion, isaac would be completely better - he's eaten a lot of them in the last two days. peanut butter and banana on a brown rice cake and some of the tastiest tea in the world for me - because, well, yum.}
today, i cleaned and rearranged his room while he laid on his bed and monitored the situation. there were more legos. more snickerdoodles. a lingering headache that intensifies with much movement. another nap.
plans for more of the same tomorrow. although the snickerdoodles might disappear and need to be replaced with another treat.
hug your kiddos, my friends.
go gently, love fiercely, and be wonderful.
love, e