right now i am
:: sitting at my table, the one that i've sat at to do writing and editing and hoping and reading and coloring and teaching and eating and playing and listening and praying and crying and laughing and preparing and studying for almost fifteen years now
:: writing this blog post {and letters, earlier today}
:: editing some other writing i've been doing
:: hoping to share at least a couple pieces of writing with you all this week
:: reading all kinds of news {and then thinking long and processing much}
:: coloring our home with bright bits, making this house our home
:: teaching my children about love and kindness and thinking long before reacting or speaking
:: eating so much fresh fruit {and too many spicy suppers}
:: drinking coffee {always and ever} but also, fresh fruit, blended up with cold water, poured over ice
:: playing in the river with my kids as many afternoons as possible
:: collecting belemnites and baculites and petrified wood and fossilized coral and sea lillies
:: listening to isaac read to me {the labels on the fireworks, the boxes of cereal, his devotion book, scripture}
:: rejoicing in isaac's reading, in his growth, in the help that he is getting, in the hard work that he is doing
:: praying that my conversation will always be full of grace and that i will always be ready to give reason for the hope that i have
:: marveling at maddie's artistry {check her work out on instagram @ovenbakeclaycharms}
:: laughing so hard at supper time when i told isaac that his eyelashes are so long and he said, "should we trim them?"
:: studying fire behavior and fire suppression, working toward being able to do support roles for command and our fire crews
:: feeling grateful that my mom and dad were here for the past three days
:: wishing that i had taken a few more pictures while they were here
:: preparing for a full day tomorrow {but i'm optimistic that it will go smoothly}
and you, my friends, what's your right now looking like?