i am sitting in isaac's bed surrounded by stuffed animals, funny pillows, white twinkle lights, and all his stuff on the wall
isaac is sleeping over at a friend's house
maddie has a friend over night - they are sleeping together in my bed
ben is sleeping in a tent by crater lake
my friend elizabeth came over for the evening (do you have a friend who you just click with and have an awesome time with and every time, after they are away you think, why the heck didn't i take any pictures with you or of the time that we were together? well, elizabeth is that friend. one of these times i'll get some pictures of time spent with her.)
i won't tell you what time it is, but we had a sort of late supper
we made cookies and elizabeth taught me how to start kombucha and we cleaned up the kitchen
we went for a walk and saw a mama mallard and her seven teenage children and then we were swinging at the park until almost dark
maddie and natalie watched a movie on my laptop in my room
elizabeth and i watched elizabethtown - there is a lot of good music in that movie! there are a lot of very bizzare bits, but they are funny. and i think that kirsten dunst is really cute and i love the character she plays in the movie . . . yeah, i really like that movie. even though i would just really like to cut orlando bloom's hair. and then i think he should grow a beard. because every man looks more manly with a beard. and then i realize that my mind is wandering and that i miss my bearded man . . .
i'm pretty sure i'm on mountain time with ben. something about talking to him late at night some days and late morning other days . . . i think my internal clock is resetting even with his . . . 2 hours earlier than here . . . when i talk to him at 10 am here, it's 8 am there and he's driving to work. when i talk to him at 1 am here, it's 11 pm there and he's settling in for the night. then, i have to function. and not get upset and thrown off kilter because i talked for an hour and now it's 2 am or 11 am . . . i just have to keep going about the day. so, i just recalibrate and do what needs to be done.
i am so grateful that i do get to talk to him often while he is gone. and that we can send each other pictures and words. 13 years ago, there were no pictures and words going back and forth, and the phone calls were few and far between and crazy expensive! technology rocks.
so, this time, we've made it through 18 days. we have two more to go. then we'll be the four of us, all together again, for at least a few days!
maybe we'll all get back to central time . . . or maybe we should just stay on mountain time . . .
count your blessings and be wonderful, my friends.