i cannot believe how much this picture looks just like my husband. i found the picture on pintrest and followed the link to this page. it is not him, but goodness sakes! he was fighting fire in '98, '99, '00 and '01, then back to it last summer - '13. this picture is from a fire in '04 - so it's somebody else's handsome sawyer.
so far this morning
- i have made banana nut bars (i will share the recipe - my own creation! - with you, soon, my friends)
- i have made and finished a pot of coffee (never mind that ben took more than half of it in his thermos to work. i guess that means i get to make another pot!)
- i am finishing up a batch of chocolate chip cookies - also a recipe of my own creation - you can find the recipe below. i decided to share it . . . these are the very best chocolate chip cookies ever. this has been affirmed by my kids, my husband, my dad, my mom, my sister's husband, friends, and various people at potlucks and picnics. they are also gluten-free, and, as long as i don't eat too very many of them in one sitting, they don't bother my ridiculous celiac insides. i have officially hit my quota for the day, and it is only 9:19am. good thing i have banana nut bars . . .
- i also made breakfast and lunches for maddie and isaac and dropped them off at the bus
- on the way to the bus, i gave them a little pep-talk about how there is no excuse for people saying mean things, but that we can't let someone's meanness wreck our whole day
- i drove out to ben's work-place and grabbed some things out of his jeep and left cookies and banana nut bars in his locker - be-ribboned and tagged B- I "heart" U -E
- i am pepping myself up to finish a HUGE pile of paper work, proof read a resume, finish my paper closet organization, make beds, vacuum, make some more earrings, and probably some other things
- before i get to it, here's the recipe:
The Best Ever Chocolate Chip Cookies (by Elizabeth)
- 1/2 c soft butter
- 1/2 c room temp coconut oil
- 1/2 c white sugar
- 1/2 c brown sugar
- 2 eggs
- 2 tsp vanilla
- 3/4 c coconut flour
- 3/4 c tapioca starch
- 1/2 c white rice flour
- 2 tsp baking soda
- 2 tsp baking powder
- 1 tsp xanthan or guar gum
- 1 c raw, flaked or shredded coconut or gluten free oats or slivered almonds
- 1 c chocolate chips or bits of your choice (or a bit more, if you like)
cream butter oil and sugars together. add eggs and vanilla, mix well. add the flours and soda, powder and gum, mix well. add coconut (or substitution) and chocolate chips, mix well. drop by rounded teaspoon onto a parchment lined baking sheet. bake in a 350 degree oven for 8 minutes. let cool and enjoy!
i hope your wednesday is full of goodness! love, ~e