two weeks ago, i took isaac to the eye clinic.
he had a comprhensive eye exam.
which showed that isaac needs not just some vision correction, but bifocals. pretty strong ones.
well, no wonder this reading gig has been hard!
we also were prescribed some eye muscle exercises.
isaac's eyes take turns working on some different activities for about 15 minutes each day.
i am so interested to find out where these exercises and the new glasses take isaac on his journey to reading chapter books!
but for now - well, now he can see that the back of the ketchup bottle has real words and that those little street signs have letters that can be read from the car as we drive by. this is a good start!
i wish we would have done this sooner! but - here we are now. {if you ever know a child who is struggling with reading - get his or her little eyes checked - sooner, rather than later!}
rock on, isaac. we'll keep getting this all figured out!