yesterday was so cold. and up out of the little hollow we live in now, so. very. windy.
so the kiddos were home again.
we bundled up and headed outside so i could do about two hours worth of shoveling.
our landlord was stuck away from home,
so he called and asked if i would shovel out around the buildings.
some good, hard work in the clear, fresh air was good for my racing mind.
the kiddos climed on and rolled down some of the big snowpiles around our parking lot.
in the afternoon we did a bit of homeschool.
i sure like having them home with me.
this morning they were both ready to go to school. they have gone to school four days now.
maddie is doing so well. she just loves school. everything about it. even her homework. (i know. i know. that will wear off some day. but for now, it rocks!)
we are still working on isaac's situation, but i think we are getting somewhere. i think the first day was harder than he admitted and the second and third days were really hard. in fact, he called and i went to pick him up mid-morning on friday. i brought him home and he slept for two hours in the middle of the day.
yesterday i talked to his principal on the phone. and today i met with his teacher and the principal and the school's reading specialist. i will keep having conversations with all these ladies as often as i need to to make sure we all do everything we can to facilitate isaac transitioning and learning. this next month is going to be a lot of information gathering about isaac and his sight and his reading and his dyslexia. i have an eye appointment set up for him with an eye doctor who specializes in the eye/vision/brain/learning connection. we need to see if he needs some vision correction. and this doctor also does different vision therapies. i think we will be enrolling isaac in her one-on-one program, after his diagnostic visit, as well.
today was a much better day for isaac. he was placed in a math class that utilizes some different teaching approaches and provides more opportunity for one-on-one help. he loved that. and in his homeroom they are reading mr. popper's penguins and learning about antarctica. he must have felt a lot more comfortable today, too. he was so much more at ease at the end of the day.
tomorrow will be, i think, my first real day at home on my own. i'm looking forward to that.
and now, i need to get to bed. good night, my friends.