my kiddos are at day camp this week.
so, today, will miss n napped, i made phone calls, wrote messages, and organized my calendar.
while she was awake, we sat by each other and played quietly with a toy, the fringe on the pillow and each others' fingers. then she worked a spatula and a bottle-nipple while i mixed up some homemade granola bars.
now, she'll nap again? while i write this and switch laundry and wash dishes . . . maybe . . .
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i haven't been here so much again because . . .
ben got to come home early! and the 4th of july holiday fell just right to allow him to be home for 12 days! now, he could be called any day again. but we all soaked up lots of each others' company, and i'm ready to share him again.
and sunshine. we've been soaking up sunshine. i've been known to count days of sun . . . so far, july is 8 for 9! and the not-sunny day was really nice and warm, just cloudy - which was ok - it saved the day from being unbearably hot.
we've also been out in the jeep. a lot. and out at the lakes around here, jumping in and swimming and floating on air mattresses and dumping each other off air mattresses . . . and we've had some get-togethers. and tubed in the river. and mowed the lawn. and fed the pigs and chickens . . . over and over and over again. and lit some fireworks. and watched some fireworks. and had a few naps. and some late nights. and taken the kids to lots of swim practice and a meet.
i've been trying to keep up with some extra research and paper work that i have on my plate right now. and that isn't always fun. but looking toward the end result and knowing that God is in control helps keep me motivated to stick with it.
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so, while miss n is asleep, i am going to switch out my laundry and wash the bit of dishes in the sink!
{no, i am not wearing a sweater today! thank goodness! this was from a few weeks ago . . . }