we were doing schoolwork right before supper the other night - not in the morning . . .
it wasn't going so well. it seems we do the best if we can start between 8:30 and 9:00 and just get it all done before lunch. but we had gone to visit a friend in the morning, and we needed to get some school stuff done - to stay on some sort of a track for the week. so, we pushed through.
i was feeling pretty overwhelmed with the craziness, but one of my friends texted me, "doing school-work before supper is a freedom not a failure."
isn't that true? we chose to go visit our friend in the morning - we have the freedom to do that because i make our schedule. i also chose to have us do some book-work before supper, so we could all know that we had accomplished some more learning and practice - we have the freedom to do that, too. i could choose to roll with the craziness because they were still getting their work done. and i could choose to help them and teach them well, even if the situation wasn't my ideal. i chose a good attitude. i helped us choose to not put it off till tomorrow.
i chose freedom, not failure. and then, after supper, i ate cheesecake. :)